BIG fish are making a comeback. From sharks and Goliath Grouper to BIG snook, or larger species are making themselves known to our charter guests. Matt pictured above hooked into this HUGE Goliath during a recent trip. We took it to the beach to collect a DNA sample for FWC. Recently there has been talk about open this fish for harvest. It has been protected since the 1980's when it was nearly wiped out due to over fishing. They are a slow growing species, fish pictured is between 15-20 years old.

Inshore fishing has been a BLAST recently. With our bait returning along our flats and beaches, the fish have been fired up. Kevin pulled this snook out of some mangroves on a recent trip inshore.

SHARKS are back! Toothy friend pictured here is a Sandbar Shark. We are seeing more and more sharks as the ocean heats up. Most common species currently are 6-7 feet in size and are mostly blacktip/spinner, sandbar shark and hammerheads. Larger sharks arrive the end of April and range from 8-13 feet, sometimes larger. Those are the ones you never get to measure. The Every angler has an opportunity to name and tag their catch for marine research.
CALL/ Text 941-661-0304 to schduele your spring fishing dates
OR Book online https://bigbullyoutdoors.com/bookonline