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Charlotte Harbor Inshore Fishing

Capt. Andrew Herzog

Ive spent most of my week fishing inshore Charlotte Harbor. Bait hanging on the flats and artificial's have been a success as well. Luckily, this area has been pretty much unaffected by the red tide. We have a variety of species that fill our harbor. From our smaller inshore species, such as snook, red fish and trout. To bigger species such as sharks,and late season tarpon.

Captain Andrew with a tag & release redfish caught today

Anglers have the option to tag & release their catch for Grey Fishtag Research. They encourage reports of fish being recaptured by offering Costa Sunglasses to whoever reports a tagged fish. Dead or alive, even if you eat the tagged fish, they would appreciate any data you can provide. Such as length, approx location and bait type.

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